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    • Do you need help with written Polish-English translations and vice versa?
    • Are you beginning to realize you're not going to make the translation on time?
    • Is your "translation rig" a bit outdated?
  • Help is just a click away …
    Just e-mail us the text in the .doc, .docx or .pdf format and after having counted the number of characters we'll table our services quotation and let you know how long the translation would take.
  • Can’t promise you the moon*, but …
    We specialize in:
    • general
    • business
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    • technical
    * Regretfully, we cannot offer medical or sworn-in translations as yet.

About Us

Long-standing translational experience
Services performed for many entities
Handling of professional apps
Dozens of submitted translations

Transportation of Dangerous Goods, a manual for truck drivers by Tadeusz Pusty

Translations for the author of the book setting the dangerous goods transportation standards pursuant to regulations of UN and EU, Mr Tadeusz Pusty.

National Stadium, Warsaw

Translation of the fire escape and evacuation passageways design documentation for Protect Sp. z o.o., Warsaw

Musem of Modern Art, Warsaw

Regretfully, the building of the Warsaw Museum of Modern Art has not been erected, yet. Translation of the working plan and specifications prepared for the first design of the museum. Translation for Protect Sp. z o.o.

Various translations for Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing Poland Sp.z o.o., Pruszków

Translations for the management staff and other company employees: contracts of sale, executive and notarial directives, business and technical documentation, machinery and equipment service manuals as well as the in-house circulars.

Samples of translations





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